Permit Documentation



Pool Plans for Owner-Builders

This is the most cost-effective way of installing a custom deigned pool and has been proven by thousands of pool owner-builders all over California and Nevada. 

We have a basic fee structure for assisting architects, property developers, and pool owner-builders who require a design for a pool in a backyard garden where the site s flat with normal ground conditions.

We provide:

  • Planning and designing the complete pool layout in full compliance with local requirements for size, setback, fencing, self-closing gates, door alarms, structural, plumbing, electrical, and all other local legal requirements
  • Providing estimated trade contractor costs and the supply of pool equipment costs for the completed pool
  • Planning the location and type of all fire, water, and lighting features as well as the surrounding landscaping
  • Providing all supporting documentation for the construction permit application
  • Providing advice throughout the permit application process including phone support during the actual application
  • Providing the specifications and documents required to obtain quotes from registered trade contractors
  • Providing a list of registered trade contractors
  • Providing a detailed quote for the supply of all pool equipment

At the end of this pool design and planning stage the pool owner-builder will have the construction permit in place as well as fixed price quotes for all the work required to complete the pool from trade contractors and a fixed price quote for the pool equipment. The fee for providing the above services is just $3450 for a pool that will meet all your sport and leisure requirements with a large costs savings in total.

Where can we do it?

For most pool installations we will only need to make one visit and, to be honest, we can see what we need to see form site photos, so we can provide this service as any location of your choosing. Most clients prefer to meet at the location of the future pool. A Skype meeting is possible if you feel that would work best for you.

Supply of Pool Equipment

We provide the pool equipment for the prices quoted during the pool planning stage. These are based on the normal retail price of the equipment in the mainstream pool stores. The pool equipment includes everything that the plumber and electrician need to complete the pool and al the optional extras that you order. All the pool equipment that we supply comes with an all-encompassing 3-year guarantee that provides completely free replacement of pool parts and pool labor. 

A word of warning: You might be able to find slightly cheaper prices on the internet but this equipment will only have a 1-year replacement guarantee (if that) and you will have to return the equipment yourself to the supplier meaning you will have to remove it from the pool or pay someone to do so. 

Payment Stages

A deposit of $950 is payable before we issue any design layout drawings for comment. The balance of $2500 is payable on the delivery of the document package for obtaining the trade contractor estimates and the construction permits. 50% of the construction period support fees are payable before construction commences and the remaining 50% upon completion. The payment for the pool equipment must be made on the day before the equipment is delivered to the pool site. 

Basic fee
